A passionate discoverer - bike tours and guided tours in Mulgimaa

Aktiivne puhkus


Kirsi 31, 71017, Viljandi linn, Viljandi County


GSM: (+372) 5667 3174


Jaanika Toome

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Discovery is cool. Discovery offers new opportunities or opens up a different perspective. You can discover new places, but why not discover familiar places from a different angle - there's always something new. You can explore on foot, by bike or by car, or you can explore from the comfort of your own home.

I'm a passionate explorer - I like to discover Estonia by bike. I invite you to join me on a new discovery!

Check out my facebook page and find out what I've discovered and what kind of exploring I can offer you.


Every summer Mulgimaa invites everyone to take part in the Mulgimaa Family Game! It's a fun family game where you can visit different villages, farms, communities, businesses and places of natural beauty in Mulgimaa. In fact, many of our game's points are only open during the Family Game. The Family Game takes place on five different days during the summer months. A day is dedicated to each historical parish of Mulgimaa to get to know the life of that particular parish, taste the local flavours and smell the smells of the summer's day.