Russian Farmyard

Teematalud, muuseumid, külastuskeskused

  • EHE (Genuine and Interesting Estonia) label


Soomra küla, 88324, Audru vald, Pärnu County
Location on the map
GPS 24°8'58''E, 58°22'33''N


GSM: (+372) 5595 8038


Veronika Meibaum

  • ee
  • en
  • ru

The Russian Farm in Pärnu County is a welcoming and cheerful place, where guests can experience the authentic Russian national culture, traditions and customs. The women of the farm greet their guests with traditional bread and salt, treat them to the produce of their garden and hot samovar tea.

You can also take part in various workshops and try on Russian folk costumes.

We kindly ask you to make an appointment in advance.


  • Travnitsa, i.e. traditional dolls stuffed with medicinal herbs (EHE)
  • The workshop of the traditional traditional luck doll (EHE).
  • Matryoshka decoration workshop

Additional services and facilities: Activities for children, free parking, guided tours, themed events, workshops.

The service of the Russian Farm "Visit to the Russian Farm with tasting of national cuisine" and the workshops "Travnitsa - a workshop of a doll stuffed with medicinal herbs in the Russian Farm" and "Luck doll or talisman doll workshop in the Russian Farm" have been recognised with the EHE (Genuine and Interesting Estonia) quality label for ecotourism.

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