Estonian Dairy Museum

Teematalud, muuseumid, külastuskeskused

  • EHE (Genuine and Interesting Estonia) label


H.Rebase 1, Imavere, 72401, Järva vald, Järva County
Location on the map
GPS 25°45'60'' E, 58°44'1'' N


Phone: (+372) 389 7533
GSM: (+372) 503 3886


  • ee
  • en
  • ru

In the second half of the 19th century, great emphasis was placed on the development of dairy farming in Estonia. In order to record the development of Estonian dairy farming for future generations, the Estonian Dairy Museum was established in 1976.

The museum's exhibition is divided into a permanent exhibition and an outdoor exhibition. The museum's programmes, which include making butter, ice cream, sour milk cheese or curd snacks, are popular. At the end of the programme, you can taste everything you have made on the spot.

Estonian Dairy Museum's "Guided Museum Tour" and the workshops "Butter and scone workshop", "Curd snack workshop", "Ice cream workshop" and "Sour milk cheese workshop" have been recognised with the EHE (Genuine and Interesting Estonia) eco-tourism quality label.

Asukoht kaardil
