Estonian Road Museum

Seminarid maal, Teematalud, muuseumid, külastuskeskused


Varbuse küla, 63122, Kanepi vald, Põlva County
Location on the map
GPS 26°54'47''E, 58°00'58''N


GSM: (+372) 5899 8064


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Located in the historical Varbuse postal station, Estonian Road Museum introduces the development of roads and traffic through interactive displays.
A large variety of two-wheeled vehicles, a spectacular machinery hall and exciting exhibitions offer plenty to explore.

The Traffic Town open to children and organising children's birthdays at the Road Museum offer great opportunities to combine fun, games and new knowledge.

The Estonian Road Museum and Postitee (Postal Road) represent one of the 21 places worthy of discovery in South Estonia marked with a yellow National Geographic window and recommended for history and culture enthusiasts.

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